Download Geniatech Driver

Download Geniatech T803F TV Stick Driver 1.0. Watch DVB-T TV on PC - Rewind and Fast Forward live TV shows with Always Time-Shifting recording. Geniatech DVB-T TV Stick T328B4 Free Driver Download (Official) Source: Manufacturer Website.

  • Freeware: Geniatech Dvb T Driver T328b4. Downloads: All Freeware iPhone. Muxi 0.5.0 License: Freeware. Muxi is a tv application and personal video recorder for DVB-T. Geniatech T328B is the new Pen size Digital USB TV Stick that turns your laptop into a portable digital. Watch DVB-T TV on PC. (Driver and Total Media) Small.
  • MyGica Support, Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting, Manual, Firmware Update, Driver Download, Software and APP for MyGica Products.
  • Currently only the 'Aerial TV' app supports this driver. Make sure to download and install Aerial TV in order to receive DVB-T/T2 with this driver. For developers and advanced users, the driver provides a diagnostic mode that allows dumping DVB-T and DVB-T2 transport stream into a TS file.

eyetv 4 (64-bit) MAC version

Welcome to EyeTV 4.0.0 (8524)

What’s new this release?

  • Improve general stability and performance
  • Fixed inability to recognize old devices issue
  • Fixed the presence of popup windows when launching eyetv in Big Sur.
  • Fixed disapperance of added markers issue when re-launching eyetv

System (minimum requirements)


Dynabyte driver download for windows 10 7. Operating system: macOS 10.14 or higher
Processor: Intel Core i5 2,5 GHz CPU or better
System memory: 4 GB RAM or more

For a relaxed television experience, we continuously improve our eyetv 4 software. Therefore, please check for updates regularly or visit or software page here.


Download eyetv 4 version 4.0.0 (8524)

*Please note that a license key is required to activate the software. The key will be provided to you when purchasing the software license or one of our eyetv products.

eyetv 3 (32-bit) MAC version

Welcome to EyeTV 3.6.9 (7528) – Update

What’s new this release?

  • General improvements in performance & stability
  • Update Eyetv EPG Premium Service North America (USA & Canada)

System (minimum requirements)

Operating system: macOS X 10.9 – macOS 10.14
Processor: Intel Core i5 2,5 GHz CPU or better
System memory: 4 GB RAM or more

With eyetv 3.6.9 (7528) we offer our customers a software update that optimizes stability and functionality of eyetv 3.6.9. In addition, the new eyetv 3.6.9 (7528) welcomes eyetv plus, a highlight for everyone who loves watching series and movies!

For a relaxed television experience, we continuously improve our eyetv 3.6.9 software. Therefore, please check for updates regularly or visit or software page here.

Download eyetv 3 Version 3.6.9 (7528)

*Please note that a license key is required to activate the software. The key will be provided to you when purchasing the software license or one of our eyetv products.

EyeTV lite (32-bit) MAC version

Welcome to EyeTV lite 1.4.3 (7526) DVB-T2 HD HEVC – Update

What’s new this release?

  • Enhanced performance and stability
  • Improved DVB-T2 HD AAC
  • Support for the EyeTV T2 lite and EyTV T2 Hybrid for DVB-T2 HD
  • Less processor and memory demanding decoding for DVB-T2 HD HEVC H.265 on Mac, which is the new standard in Germany as of the 29th March 2017
  • General improvements
  • Important note: please execute a new channel scan
  • Important note: DVB-T/T2/T2 HD reception may vary due to your location. An external roof antenna may be necessary.

System (minimum requirements)

Operating system: macOS X 10.9 – macOS 10.14
processor: Intel Core i5 2,5 GHz CPU or better
System memory: 4 GB RAM or more

Even though tests from May 2016 to the 28th March of 2017 were successful, Geniatech / EyeTV had to find out that the new technical circumstances of DVB-T2 HD as of the 29th March of 2017 did not match those of the almost one year test period.

Based on the new technical conditions big parts of quality assessment and decoding software had to be rewritten, newly structured and adapted to the new conditions. We do feel responsible for the occurring problems of our customers that occurred during the switch and are thankful for your patience and your forgiveness.

To help our customers as fast as possible eyetv lite 1.4.3 (7517) has been released immediately after the necessary quality assessment. With eyetv lite 1.4.3 (7520) we offer our customers a software update that optimizes stability and functionality of eyetv lite 1.4.3. In addition, the new eyetv lite 1.4.3 (7520) version fixes the audio issue (Dolby 5.1/ AAC on TV) that occurred when watching the channels “das Erste HD” and “Arte HD”.

For a relaxed television experience, we continuously improve our eyetv lite 1.4.3 software. Therefore, please check for updates regularly or visit or software page here.

Download eyetv 3 lite 1.4.3 (7526) HEVC

*Please note that a license key is required to activate the software. The key will be provided to you when purchasing the software license or one of our eyetv products.

Welcome to eyetv 4 windows

What’s new in this release?

  • Update: Eyetv Plus, the YouTube of the German catch-Up media libraries is now included (no subscription for eyetv 4 Windows customers, just for free & just go with it) – you save 19,95 Euro)
  • Stability and performance improvement
  • Optimizations for the latest Windows 10 versions
  • Supports all TV tuner solutions from any brand manufacturer (driver required)

System Requirements

  • Windows: Intel Core i5 CPU or higher, Windows 10 or later
  • 4 GB RAM, built-in USB 2.0 port

Important note

In order to receive DVB-T2 HD 1080p/50 & 1080i HEVC/ HDTV support, windows 10 as well as a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 processor (or comparable Ryzon CPU), with 4GB RAM is required.

This software currently only supports the Eyetv tuner products

  • Eyetv T2 lite Windows Edition DVB-T/T2 HD HEVC
  • Eyetv T2 lite Mac/Windows DVB-T/T2 HD HEVC
  • Eyetv T2 Hybrid DVB-T/T2 HD HEVC + DVB-C (cable TV)
  • Eyetv Hybrid DVB-T + DVB-C (cable TV)
  • Eyetv Netstream 4C DVB-C (cable TV)
  • Eyetv Netstream 4Sat DVB-S/S2
  • all TV tuner solutions from any brand manufacturer (driver required)


If this is the first time you have launched the eyetv 4 windows, you will be asked to enter an activation key you received with your eyetv T2 lite windows edition.

Once you have activated the eyetv 4 windows, a setup assistant will guide you through the setup and configuration of the Teyetv 4 windows. You should complete each step of the eyetv 4 windows setup assistant. When prompted, please select your country and let the eyetv 4 windows auto-tune for channels.

Keep your activation keys in a safe place in case you need to reinstall the eyetv 4 windows software.

*Please note that a license key is required to activate the software. The key will be provided to you when purchasing the software license or one of our eyetv products.

Latest Total TV Player for your Windows

What’s new in this release?

  • Support for Windows 10
  • Miscellaneous improvements & bug fixes

System Requirements

  • Windows: Intel Core CPU, Windows 7 or later
  • 4 GB RAM, built-in USB 2.0 port

Important note

In order to receive DVB-T2 HEVC 1080i HEVC HD/ HDTV-Support 1080p/50 Windows 8 as well as a 2.5 GHz Intel/AMD Core Duo processor (or comparable), with 4GB RAM is required.


If this is the first time you have launched the Total TV Player, you will be asked to enter an activation key you received with your EyeTV Product.

Once you have activated the Total TV Player, a setup assistant will guide you through the setup and configuration of the Total TV Player. You should complete each step of the Total TV Player setup assistant. When prompted, please select your country and let the Total TV Player auto-tune for channels.

Keep your activation keys in a safe place in case you need to reinstall the Total TV Player software.

Download Geniatech Driver Win 7

In order to update the driver, please visit this site.

Geniatech T230C
T230C, PCB in MyGica's black case
MyGica T230C or Geniatech T230C PCB (top)
MyGica T230C or Geniatech T230C PCB (bottom)
eyeTV T2, eyeTV T2 hybrid or eyeTV T2 lite PCB (top), note the missing IR receiver (bottom right)
eyeTV T2, eyeTV T2 hybrid or eyeTV T2 lite PCB (bottom)

The Geniatech T230C (also branded as MyGica T230C with a black case instead of a white one) is an evolution of Geniatech T230. Although it has the same external appearence, it uses different hardware. Support for 'T230C v2' has made it to the vanilla kernel in the fall of 2019. The MyGica-branded device can be found on websites that ship hardware directly from China.

There is a version without IR called eyeTV T2, eyeTV T2 hybrid and eyeTV T2 lite (three names for the same hardware). Targetting a Mac OS audience, they are 5 to 6 times as expensive as the MyGica T230C which does feature IR support (and comes with a 28-button remote control). These three share the same conic case, while MyGica and GeniaTech devices get wider only around the IEC connector. The T2 lite has a white case (and different EEPROM), the other two have a case that is silver with a transparent cap. [1] (There is also a bulky eyeTV hybrid, which lacks the 'T2' in its name but supports DVB-T2 nonetheless unlike its predecessor of the same name. Its hardware is currently unknown.)

The device can be used with the PadTV HD app on Android if connected via a USB OTG adapter. That app supports H.265, but the phone must be fast enough. On Windows, 28 Jun 2017 drivers (shipped with some devices in 2018, probably ones with updated 'T230C2' EEPROM) are required to prevent frequent blue screens in nearly all apps.

Htcltd laptops & desktops driver download for windows 10.

  • 1Overview/Features


Components Used

The following components are used on the device

  • USB interface: Cypress CY7C68013A-56LTXC
  • Demodulator: Silicon Labs Si2168-D60
  • Tuner: Silicon Labs Si2141-A10

Driver support

As of kernel 4.4, drivers are not shipped with the kernel (at least not in Raspbian 8).
Kernel 4.9.24 included in Raspbian 8 (installed when upgrading packages through apt-get) does not ship the driver either.
Kernel 4.14 (included in Raspbian 9 in 2019) ships with the correct driver to support the T230C.
Kernel 5.4 vanilla has moved some code about, the T230C and T230C v2 are now supported by driver dvb_usb_dvbsky, rather than the previously responsible dvb_usb_cxusb. For years, CrazyCat has done a patient job of keeping the T230C hardware supported in dvb_usb_cxusb in his own build of the 'media' driver subsystem. The list of T230 flavours supported by the vanilla driver dvb_usb_dvbsky as of kernel 5.4 goes like this:

The rest of this paragraph and the whole chapter on Building the driver, contain data that may still be useful, but is starting to feel dated, now with the suport in vanilla. Obviously the vanilla driver is nowadays inherently 'in the tree' and builds as part of the kernel, and will eventually make it into distro kernels. The following data is related to the past 'CrazyCat solution'.

Example device detection in the log:

To be confirmed: it looks like this device is better integrated into LibreElec system (see here how to use the Crazycat-CC driver pack).

Building the driver

The following procedure works (at least) on a Raspberry Pi running 4.4.43-v7+ or 4.9.30-v7+ kernel (but does not seem to work with the 4.9.24-v7+ kernel).It should be pretty similar on other distros and/or with other kernels.

Run apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers to get the correct headers (i.e. the headers corresponding to your exact current kernel build) into /lib/modules/<some folders about your current $(uname -r) kernel version>/. In my case, 2 folders were created: 4.4.43+ and 4.4.43-v7+.In case it does not download the right kernel version headers (there may be a mismatch between uname -r and the folder names in /lib/modules), you can grab the raspi sources by running:

Check that a correct .config file (corresponding to the exact current build of your kernel) is available at /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/.configIt should normally have been fetched by rpi-source. If it was not the case, run modprobe configs, and the .config file that you want is available in the compressed file /proc/config.gz

Now we have the correct sources and .config file, we can fetch the driver sources and build it by using CrazyCat's media_build tool:

Be sure to have some space left, as it downloads a part of the kernel tree.

In case the build fails about frame_vector.c: No rule to make target '../v4l/frame_vector.c' , comment the following lines in media_build/v4l/Makefile, so that they appear like this:

Then you can install the drivers by running sudo make install Benq siemens port devices driver download win 7.

The process should have installed the correct corresponding firmwares into /lib/firmware. If it is not the case, grab and install the needed firmwares from


The Geniatech T230C and T230C v2 requires these firmwares (available at

  • dvb-demod-si2168-d60-01.fw
  • dvb-tuner-si2141-a10-01.fw

Download Geniatech Driver Printer

They must be copied in /usr/lib/firmware.

IR Remote Control

The dvbsky driver as of vanilla Linux 5.4 registers a devinput device for the IR sensor and reports support for the RC5 protocol only. The sensor happily picks up codes transmitted by various remote controllers - such as those packaged with TV's and other hardware by Philips or Vestel. Using the ir-keytable command-line tool, these feral scan codes received via the IR sensor can be mapped to meaningful devinput events - these are then directly accepted by the Xwindows xinput layer (which can be prevented via xorg.conf if desired) or can be passed to LIRC for further application steering.

If the device is unable to initialize, you may want to prevent the IR from loading:

A reboot is needed to take effect.

Supported streams

This DVB-T stick supports every French DVB-T channel (i.e. both HDTV and SDTV, broadcast as MPEG4).They are succesfully processed through tvheadend.

Another tester reports success in receiving DVB-T and DVB-T2 with MPEG2, MPEG4 and HEVC encodings, in the Czech Republic, played back by VDR 2.4.1 with the softhdvaapi front end.

DVB-C is advertised on the package and is recognized by tvheadend, however this requires the model that includes DVB-C.

Contributions are welcome.

Download Geniatech Driver Pc

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